In this article
Modulr, UK payroll’s Payment Service Provider, provides monthly statements showing your balance and transactions on your account to your employees and HMRC.
Before you begin
Modulr Finance is a Payment Service Provider (PSP), UK Payroll’s third-party partner. Only organisations that are authorised by a financial regulator are permitted to carry out certain payment services, including payment transactions. UK Payroll acts as the messenger between our customers and the PSP. We deliver instructions on our customers’ behalf (such as who to pay, how much, and when). If there are any issues with the PSP, we'll liaise with the PSP on our customers’ behalf. We also collect anti-money laundering information from our customers on the PSP's behalf.
UK Payroll is the processor for both our customers and their chosen PSP. We carry out their instructions and keep the relationship working seamlessly. The benefit is that our customers only need one point of contact rather than juggling many relationships at once.
If you’d like to find out more information about Modulr or the relationship between UK Payroll and Modulr, please see Modulr FAQs.
How to request a statement of transactions and balance
Contact support to request a statement of transactions and balance from Modulr, either as an ongoing monthly request or on an ad hoc basis. We will upload the statement to a secure Box file.
Statements are generated at the beginning of each month for the previous month, and should be in your Box file by the 5th of each month.