In this article
UK Payroll submits pension information to your pension provider on pay day. If there are any pension failures, a notification will appear on the Overview page.
Before you start
Click on View errors in the pension submission error notification box to view a list of pension submission failures.
To download an errors report in a CSV file, click Download errors as CSV.
How to resolve pension submission errors
- Rectify each listed error using the guides from your pension provider’s website. Depending on the error, you may have to update details in UK Payroll, in your pension provider’s platform, or both. Once you have resolved an error, click Mark as done.
- Once the errors are amended, resubmit the pension submission to your pension provider by navigating to Payrolls > relevant payroll cycle.
- Click Re-submit pension in the top right corner. Resolved errors will automatically be removed from the list of errors.
Note: All pension submission errors must be corrected prior to the date that your pension provider receives payment.