In this article
If you’ve made an error in an employee’s pay, you can add an overpayment or underpayment to the next payroll cycle. Additionally, you can make manual payments outside of payroll.
Note: As UK Payroll is a live platform, submitted payrolls can’t be re-run. This is because tax code and student loan updates are applied automatically to an open payroll. If you re-run a payroll after it has been submitted, the employee’s net payments could change.
How to correct an overpayment
Correct an overpayment by adding a gross deduction to the next payroll cycle.
- From the left side bar, navigate to Payrolls.
- Select the current payroll cycle.
- Select the relevant employee.
- Click Add pay item > - Gross deduction.
- Select Custom gross deduction from the drop down menu.
- Give the gross deduction a descriptive title and enter the amount. Toggle Pensionable if the gross deduction isn’t pensionable.
- Click Add gross deduction.
The gross deduction will now appear on the employee’s payslip preview.
How to correct an underpayment
Correct an underpayment by adding a gross addition to the following payroll or by paying a net advance.
Add a gross addition
- From the left side bar, navigate to Payrolls.
- Select the current payroll cycle.
- Select the relevant employee.
- Click Add pay item > + Gross addition.
- Select Custom gross addition from the drop down menu.
- Give the gross addition a descriptive title and enter the amount. Toggle Pensionable if the gross addition isn’t pensionable.
- Click Add gross addition.
The gross addition will now appear on the employee’s payslip preview.
Pay a net advance
See Apply a Net Advance to an employee payslip.
How to make a manual payment outside of payroll
If an active employee needs to be paid ahead of payday, you can pay them through UK Payroll.
- Calculate the Net payment due. To learn how to calculate a Net Advance, see Apply a Net Advance to an employee payslip.
- Send Support the employee name, net figure due, and requested payment date to request a manual payment.
- Add a Net Advance to the employee’s payslip. To learn how, see Apply a Net Advance to an employee payslip.